
5 Tips to Help You Sell Your Products Better Online

by | Mar 30, 2016 | Business | 0 comments

So you’ve got a Facebook page, Website, Tweeter or Instagram account, but are having problems getting your goods to fly off the proverbial shelf? Fear not. Here are 5 quick pointers to ensure buy in from people for your product or service.

1.Offer client incentives. e.g., You can offer a free Shs2, 000 voucher on the last of a certain product purchased, offer a free gift to someone who gives the best reviews on your services.

2.Have a blog (written, video or podcast format) where you give all necessary details; discounts, product range, subsidies for certain services, new product or services range, whether you are out of certain products, etc.

3.Take your customer on the journey with you. It’s not all about profit margins and balance sheets; offer your client intangibles: a video on how you craft your necklaces, a peek into your personal life-people are more inclined to purchase something from someone they feel they know.

4.Engage with your customer. Check your website comment section, social media chatter concerning your products or services. It might seem daunting being amenable to an unhappy customer online; but it helps in that your client gets to know that their feedback is appreciated and taken into account

5.Solicit reviews or feedback of your product/ service from your client.     

*It is important that you offer top of the line products/ services with fair and commensurate prices online as potential clients can easily compare your offering with your rivals online.

Good news (well valued and fulfilling products) travels fast, bad news (extortive pricing and poor products) travels even faster.

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