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Bearded Men Carry More Germs than Dogs

Bearded Men Carry More Germs than Dogs

It’s bad news for hipsters but men with beards harbor more germs in their whiskers than dogs carry in their fur, scientists say. The alarming news follows a study that found every sampled beard was crawling with bacteria, and nearly half had bugs that were hazardous...

Music Streaming Services in Kenya

Thanks to the manufacturers' better understanding of the Kenyan market and the rise of internet connectivity in the country, smartphone use is growing. This means that many services that are generally mobile-first are also finding the Kenyan market more attractive....

Serena Williams’s Love Match

Serena Williams’s Love Match

by BUZZ BISSINGER photographs by ANNIE LEIBOVITZ styled by JESSICA DIEHL This is a love story. It wasn’t seamless, starry eyes at first light. There was a discovery, unexpected and shocking. There were moments of really getting pissed and the standard irritation that...

List of Cool Clubs in Ongata Rongai

List of Cool Clubs in Ongata Rongai

If you are looking for some cool clubs and nightclubs to party at in Ongata Rongai? You definitely want to check out these joints. Club Legend (Click to view map) Location: On the main road, between Tuskys Stage and Shell Petrol Station. Evolution Lounge - Evo Lounge...

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