There are several reasons you may want a part-time job. Most people seek part time jobs to supplement their regular income or as a stopgap job (pay the bills) while they seek greener pastures. A part-time job can also help a student earn much-needed pocket money. But, it isn’t exactly easy to find a part-time gig unless you know how to go about it.
The first thing you need to do is to carry out an honest assessment of your unique strengths. Take a piece of pen and paper and write down all your skills, talents and attributes. For example, Diploma in X, currently taking a degree course in x, can write well, good with computers etc. Once you have established your strong qualities, begin looking for jobs whose requirements gel as close as possible to your list. The following are good sources of Kenyan part-time jobs.
Online and Offline Job Classifieds
There are tens of online classified sites in Kenya. Some of the most well known are OLX, Brighter Monday, Best Jobs Kenya and Kenyan Jobs. Use the search function in these sites to search for jobs. Type in the search term “Part-time” and click or hit enter to search.
The Nation Newspaper’s classified section also carries several part-time job advertisements daily.
Freelance Websites
The next best place to find part-time jobs are online marketplaces. These sites bring together buyers and sellers of services from all over the world. Some of the job categories include:
- Writing and translation
- Design and Multimedia
- Software and Programming
- Admin Support
- Legal
- Marketing and Sales
The following are some of the leading freelance websites globally. Create accounts at all these sites and begin bidding on jobs.
Mall Notice Boards
Several malls in Kenya have huge notice boards where people are charged a fee to run advertisements. Some of the best job notice boards can be found at:
- Sarit Centre
- Village Market
- Yaya Centre
Sell Insurance
The insurance industry hires insurance agents to sell life and general insurance on commission basis. They normally take you some initial training and you will be expected to pass the Kenyan Certificate of Proficiency exams (COP) before you can receive your commissions.
Offer a Service
Depending on your past training and talents, you can offer a service and advertise on sites like OLX. For example, a maths university student can provide holiday tuition services for kids in his/her local estate or village. Look at your list of qualities and think creative ways of monetizing a talent you have, for example, can you play a musical instrument? Teach other people and charge a fee. Are you a good swimmer, post an online ad offering to teach people how to swim.
Tips & Warnings
- Polish up your CV, you never know when you may need it.
- InfoHub Kenya is also hiring part-time writers. Check out our job section.
Suggested Reading
How to Prepare for a Job Interveiw
5 best paying careers in Kenya