
Functions of the Kenya Film Commission

by | Apr 28, 2016 | Entertainment, Kenya Government | 0 comments

The Kenyan Film Commission isn’t just the organizational equivalent of the buzz-kill uncle who won’t let you see saucy movies that you still go on to watch at your neighbors place, it has an actual mandate under The Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts.

The following are KFC’s main responsibilities:

  1. To advise the government and other relevant stakeholders on matters pertaining to development, co-ordination, regulation and promotion of the film industry in Kenya
  2. To facilitate the provision of content development, funding and investment for film projects
  3. To market Kenya as a centre for excellence in film production
  4. To facilitate proper keeping of Film Archives in Kenya
  5. To facilitate investment in the development of film industry infrastructure

Kenya Film Commission contacts:

P.O. Box 76417-00508 Jumuia Place,

Lenana Road, Nairobi, Kenya.

Office Tel: +254 020 2714073 / 4

Office Cell:+254 729 407497,733 650068

Fax: +254 020 2714075

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