Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) repayments methods, by oneself or an employee are repayable by crossed cheque, Bankers draft, direct transfer/standing order/EFT or cash deposit and are collectable in the following banks and their accounts:
Bank Account Number Branch
Kenya Commercial Bank 1103 266 314 University-way
Family Bank 035 000 024 971 Family Bank Towers
Co-operative Bank 011290 612 228 00 University-way
Barclays bank 501 8216 Barclays Plaza
Standard chartered Bank 010 801 826 4700 Koinange street
Equity bank 055 029 357 3408 Equity Center
National Bank of Kenya 010 016 039 1100 Harambee Avenue
Citibank 300 040 012 Nairobi
Chase Bank 0332 084 215 001 Delta House
NIC Bank 1002 247 638 NIC House
Jamii Bora Bank 0011 748 527 001 Koinange street
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