If you live in Nairobi, here below is a list of the services you can access at the Nairobi County Government at City Hall:
Lands, Physical Planning and Housing
- Rating and Valuation
- Property Management
- Forward Planning
- Development Control
- Urban Design
- Land Survey
- Enforcement
- Rental Housing Development & Management
- Low cost Housing
- Slum upgrading
Physical Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor
Email address: rickodongo@nairobi.go.ke
Information, Communication and E-Government Sector
The Information, Communication and E-Government Sector functions include the following:
- Automation of all County services in order to provide enhanced operational efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery;
- Design and development of an interactive website through which information for public consumption can be uploaded thus provide a communication channel for exchange of views and opinions.
- Implementation of recommendations contained in the ICT Transformation Roadmap that is anchored to County Integrated Development Plan;
- Ensuring that the departments under the sector are aligned roles and responsibilities with the priorities and objectives set out in the Nairobi City County’s policies and plans;
- Dissemination of public information and Public participation;
- Development of county communications capacity and infrastructure;
- County branding
Governor’s Office
County Executive Committee Member
Information, Communication and E-Government
City Hall
P.O.BOX: 30075-00100 NAIROBI
Email address: alokidor@nairobi.go.ke
Public Service Management
- Human Resource Management
- Appointment and Retirement
- Training
- Discipline
- Salaries and records
Physical Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, City Hall Annex, 2nd Floor
Email address:simonmorintat@nairobi.go.ke
Education, Youth Affairs, Children Culture and Social Services
- Nursery, Pre-primary Education (List of Schools)
- Social, Family Welfare
- Youth Affairs & Vocational Training
- Community Development
- Sports, Welfare & Recreation
- Library Services
- Culture and Heritage Affairs
- Gender Affairs
Physical Location: City Hall Annex, 10th Floor
Email address: Christopherkhaemba@nairobi.go.ke
Finance and Economic Planning
- Procurement of goods & services
- Stores
- Revenue mobilization
- Rates
- Debt Collection
- Accounting Services
- Technical Services
Physical Location: City Hall, 4th Floor, City Hall Annex Mezzanine Floor
Telephone: 020-2177265
Email address: gmwakanongo@nairobi.go.ke
Roads, Public Works and Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Engineering Survey
- Roads construction and maintenance
- Highways
- Electrical
- Structural Engineering
- Architectural services
Physical Location: City Hall, 1st Floor, City Hall Annex 2nd Floor
Telephone: 0720941496
Email address: cogut@nairobi.go.ke
Trade, Industrialization, Cooperative Development, Tourism and Wildlife
- Markets (List of Markets including open air markets)
- Trading services & Licensing
- Betting Control & Licensing
- Cooperative Development
- Tourism
Physical Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, City Hall Annex, Mezzanine Floor
Telephone: 020-2176467
Email address: aothoro@nairobi.go.ke
Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries
- Urban Agriculture
- Food Security
- Marketing
- Animal Husbandry
- Fish Farming
Physical Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor
Telephone: 0710537486
Water, Energy, Forestry, Environment & Natural Resources
- Water & Sewage
- Street Lighting
- Parks & Open Spaces
- Solid Waste Management
Physical Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor
Telephone:Chief Officer Environment-020-2226372
Director Environment-020-2073846
Email address :oyakeleah@nairobi.go.ke
Health Services
- Preventive, Curative and Protective, Reproductive health services through a network of over 80 health centers and three hospitals spread across the city.
- Paternity Care
- Public Health Inspectorate
- Epidemiology and Disease Control
- Building Occupation Certificate
- School Health
- Mortuary and Funerals
- Nursing
- Ambulance
- Nutrition
- Inoculation
- Training
Physical Location: City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor,Room 305
Telephone: Chief Officer-Health Services 020-2025980
Email address: : robayisi@nairobi.go.ke