In Nanyuki, a small town in Laikipia County, Kenya, authorities have apprehended ten individuals impersonating legal professionals and preying upon unwary clients. The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) received numerous complaints about unqualified individuals posing as lawyers, prompting them to request assistance from local detectives.
These imposters, now in police custody, have been accused of preparing court documents for clients, specifically in the realms of inheritance disputes and civil cases. The Laikipia County Police Commander’s headquarters issued a warning about the increasing number of fraudulent lawyers operating in the region.
As a result of the arrests, authorities have encouraged the public to exercise due diligence when seeking legal counsel. Laikipia County Criminal Investigation Officer Onesmus Towett stated that the ongoing investigation will determine the fate of the suspects. “Those who will be found culpable will be taken to court,” Towett said.
Joseph Mwangi, Chairman of the Nanyuki Chapter LSK, explained that the culprits lured clients to their offices, drawing up sale agreements and transfers. “Of late, some of them have been very brave to the extent of even impersonating advocates in court proceedings,” Mwangi revealed.
Mwangi urged the public to verify the authenticity of any lawyer before engaging their services. He mentioned that the LSK maintains a registry in Nanyuki, and the organization’s secretary can assist in confirming whether an individual is a legitimate legal advocate. Additionally, the LSK portal can be used to search for and determine the validity of a lawyer’s credentials.